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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2019

I’m a bitch I’m a lover I’m a crazy ass mother seriously ask my kids shirt

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I’ve been trying to communicate this message to groups I’ve met with recently – throwing harsh judgment at those we see as flawed or wrong-only stops the process of change. It’s only through fierce loving acceptance that we move forward together. I miserably failed to invite a loved one to open up to peace and joy bc I just couldn’t accept there wasn’t/isn’t any openness to that particular light. See more:  I’m a bitch I’m a lover I’m a crazy ass mother seriously ask my kids shirt

I’m a bitch I’m a lover I’m a crazy ass mother seriously ask my kids shirt

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The open book tour is the best thing I’ve ever experienced. Thanks for spreading the blue love! The world would be a different place if everyone looked inward so bravely and made a commitment toward positive change. I admire you! As another wise, compassionate sister said ‘you cannot open a closed shell with the sledgehammer! So yes people can change, I can change, only when we’re ready. I’m convinced we need only work on ourselves and understand our journeys happen differently. See more:  I’m a bitch I’m a lover I’m a crazy ass mother seriously ask my kids shirt

I never dreamed that one day Id become a grumpy old Librarian shirt

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Once again, it’s like it’s been written for me! It is something that I struggle with and I know a lot of people do too. Thank you for sharing. I live in South Africa, is there any chance of your boom reaching our shores? I think you’re so beautiful with your flowing hair that you’ve passed on to your daughters! But I soon learned he was not fine. See more:  I never dreamed that one day Id become a grumpy old Librarian shirt

Penguin Happy Patricks day shirt

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I had to order your book today. I love everything you write but this Penguin Happy Patricks day shirt. Thank you so much for supporting my work in a way that is very helpful to me & my family. I always listen to it when I feel like my thoughts are betraying me. A good reminder that sometimes our thoughts about ourselves are inaccurate. I can assure you, you are beautiful! Your inner beauty shines on all of us who read your posts. I knew you were beautiful before I ever saw your face! See more:  Penguin Happy Patricks day shirt

Wander woman camping compass version shirt

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The Any Man in America album came along when my anger was at its Wander woman camping compass version shirt. I’ve since been in therapy to deal with my anger issues and often turn to Justin’s music as a release for my tension. His voice is haunting and intense and just what I need to hear when I am struggling. Every day is a new opportunity to love and I thank you for continuing to share your reminders that we are not alone! Your strength and determination are inspiring to me. See more:  Wander woman camping compass version shirt

Don’t like me fuck off problem solved shirt

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It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes credited to St. Mother Teresa, Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. I can relate. Had a friend tell me in the week to look at recent photos of myself and remember that I’m still a beautiful person on the inside and that regardless of how I feel, it’s not a reflection on who I am. Tough one! See more:  Don’t like me fuck off problem solved shirt

There are two types of people in this world shirt

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Love love and more love There are two types of people in this world shirt! As always, your posts are so impactful. Thank you from the bottom of my bully-taming heart. I thought it was so nice for the man to say this, so it stuck with me. What are the chances that I overheard this post you are writing about?!? Unless the people who shop or work at Walgreens are all very complementary to the customers there! I was in Florida visiting my parents when a sweet young man in Walgreens told me I was beautiful.  See more:  There are two types of people in this world shirt

Black lives matter white lives matter all lives matter #stopthedivision shirt

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Let him or she knows those Black lives matter white lives matter all lives matter #stopthedivision shirt. When handed a report card or assessment, fight the urge to address the negative marks first and instead recognize all the things your loved one does well. I felt like such a failure when everyone around me seemed to get it and I didn’t. Openly sharing what it felt like to struggle can make your loved one feel understood, heard, and hopeful that she will get through this. I can see this is not the outcome you hoped for. Let’s talk about what you can do differently in the future and how I can support you.  See more:  Black lives matter white lives matter all lives matter #stopthedivision shirt

Love #mimilife shirt

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It should be instantly. My publisher thinks the responding Love #mimilife shirt so that is why they are not seeing it. I have been trying to do what I can to help people through my hand’s free mama email account, but I am finding it hard to keep up. Feel free to email me and I will make sure you get your pre-order bonuses – may take me a day or two, but you will get it! My day was going well until I made a mistake. As a result of my carelessness, I broke a gift someone gave me.  See more:  Love #mimilife shirt

Anti-social Mama shirt

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Love and support my husband as Anti-social Mama shirt even when he is overly critical and snappy. I need to remember that he is still working through discomfort and his moods are a result of that, not me. To snuggle with my children. To listen to how their first days of school went. To give my husband love and attention when he reaches out to me tonight. This morning my Monday took an unexpected turn that included a crying child with a bad allergy flare up, a trip to the doctor, a trip to the pharmacy, and a trip to school for makeup work.   See more:  Anti-social Mama shirt

Cuban Pete Jim Carrey chicky chicky boom vintage shirt

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On the night of my Cuban Pete Jim Carrey chicky chicky boom vintage shirt, it was a moment all right. Maybe it was even her best one so far. But in any case, we will keep looking for those moments we feel right at home. They steady our teetering hearts. My hope is that this piece lands on a teetering heart today those who have moved recently, those who are starting new schools & new jobs, those who are in a place of pain and unfamiliarity my hand is in yours, dear ones.  Buy it here:  Cuban Pete Jim Carrey chicky chicky boom vintage shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Penguin I didn’t fart my butt blew you a kiss shirt

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I hugged and wasn’t the first to let go. What is most important in life Penguin I didn’t fart my butt blew you a kiss shirt, but instead felt through the hands, heart, and soul of each life we touch. There were starts and stops in this process. I would engage and then disengage. But my constant choice to re-engage paid off. I will keep you posted. Feel free to email me and remind me in a few weeks if you don’t see anything posted. It clears my head, gives that great ah-ha moment and picks me up to where I feel things are doable! Buy it here:  Penguin I didn’t fart my butt blew you a kiss shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I’m a simple woman I like Harry Potter Mickey Mouse and Got shirt

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I am so glad you are here. I’m a simple woman I like Harry Potter Mickey Mouse and Got shirt to this post by sharing your heart. It was very inspiring. Since you are new, I would love to let you know about my third book. What until you see the subtitle. I just lost something I was hoping I could keep a bit longer, just last night. So this is perfect as always, your words move me. Come with what you love about yourself whether it’s your hair, your handwriting, your smile, or the way you stand up for others.  Buy it here:  I’m a simple woman I like Harry Potter Mickey Mouse and Got shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Camp I’m retired every hour is happy hour shirt

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But that was yesterday; Camp I’m retired every hour is happy hour shirt. So I’ve been listening and observing to do more of what makes you open up and do less of what makes you close down. I call it, Loving you by your book. When I scribbled these words in my writing notebook last week, I had my teen daughter in mind. But as I typed it, I realize the words applied to my younger child too, as well as my husband, my sister, my parents, my colleagues, and my friends.  Buy it here:  Camp I’m retired every hour is happy hour shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Donald Trump you’re the best PT in the history of PTs maybe ever shirt

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What if we were to provide You’re the best PT in the history of PTs maybe ever very special very skilled that I can tell you just terrific shirt? So my darling cherub quickly drifted off to sleep, giggling as his eyelids shut. Great thoughts that you’ve made into words, once again. They remind me of the words of the One who loved me enough to die for me! This gives me the courage to go for it! I haven’t been to any of the others, but I’m here I go, insecurities and all! Buy it here:  Donald Trump you’re the best PT in the history of PTs maybe ever shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Bigfoot undefeated hide and seek champion shirt

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It will if you follow it make you the kind of person you have always wanted to be. God bless my lovely daughter who posted this. I really want to sign up, but I am a notorious not-finisher of online courses, and while the price is incredibly fair and generously low, it is high for my budget right now. will you be offering it again at another time? I love your honesty and how you know yourself so well! Let me just give you a little more info and that may help you decide. See more:  Bigfoot undefeated hide and seek champion shirt

Johnson 48 Jimmie Johnson signature shirt

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 Thank you for sharing your beautiful words, they have brought so much peace to my soul. Just beautiful, such wonderful heartfelt words! After some time had passed, weeks or months, I found myself alone with her. Over the past few days, I’ve received message after message from people longing to be seen. Perhaps now you know someone else feels uncomfortable, you’ll see someone else holding his or her own hand too. You are not alone! Many people have asked me to write this, and I am definitely considering this as an option. I care about you.   See more:  Johnson 48 Jimmie Johnson signature shirt

Let’s talk about the elephant in the womb shirt

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I started reading the ebook download in the pre-dawn minutes before everyone else woke up and made an effort to compliment both kids before I ran to catch my commuter train Put down the measuring stick. It is not long enough to assess your worth. Ignore the score. It does not show your true potential. It doesn’t even come close to showing your value. Ban the mirror. It cannot reflect how much you are loved. Ignore the critic. Thank you for sharing this hope. We can grasp this and use it to fuel us forward.   See more:  Let’s talk about the elephant in the womb shirt

We hate Trump because he is racist you hate Obama shirt

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I am more than one opinion this We hate Trump because he is racist you hate Obama because you are racist shirt, this boundary of someone else’s opinion affecting me personally – those negative ones! Those judging ones! Those critical ones! Those that have said you don’t fit in here or belong here! Those who have said you’re not good enough! Even those silent negative opinions! I love, love, love this message today!  It never ceases to amaze me how your posts show up at just the right time! See more:  We hate Trump because he is racist you hate Obama shirt

I can’t be trusted at Hobby Lobby shirt

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You, my friend, are a warrior! I can’t be trusted at Hobby Lobby shirt have come in a moment you made a decision of what you felt you needed and you have the right to do that! You helped me break my coke zero habits a few months back. I was doing so well, then this week I’ve fallen off the wagon, as it were. This time around though I am really seeing and feeling how negatively it is impacting my skin breaking out, tummy bloating, mood swings from all the sugar.  See more:  I can’t be trusted at Hobby Lobby shirt

Veronica highly eccentric extra tough and super sarcastic shirt

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How about the million beauties you walked by today and did not see? Name them. The world needs / I need your catalog of beauty. On our last night, Nancy did not come. My daughter’s eyes unexpectedly filled with tears. She tried to hold them back and that’s when I said what she always says to me: It’s okay. Cry if you need to. That’s just who you are. I’ve decided that becoming more sensitive to the harshness of the world is actually a good thing, a really good thing because it fuels me to be a representative for love. See more:  Veronica highly eccentric extra tough and super sarcastic shirt

Official Stevie Nicks shirt

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I suddenly realized my hair was blowing away Official Stevie Nicks shirt! That’s the moment I began plotting, planning, and praying for my survival. I decided if the driver miscalculated a sharp turn and lost control, I’d jump out the open window as the car tumbled into the steep ravine. I’d then hang onto the edge of the earth with all my strength; my fingernails filling with dirt. During especially stressful and worrisome periods of my life, that dark, winding road resurfaces in my dreams. See more:  Official Stevie Nicks shirt

Dear Racists in America car is Japanese beer is German shirt

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I lost my husband to another woman and I was Dear Racists in America car is Japanese beer is German electronics are Taiwanese fashion is French shirt, we forged a friendship through a divorce for the sake of our 3 children and I worked to find forgiveness and compassion in my heart. But still in a significant way to myself. Thank you for the reminder. I just have to keep hanging on. He called me disrespectful and inappropriate and I began to blame myself (a familiar pattern) I began to feel small and victimized.  See more:  Dear Racists in America car is Japanese beer is German shirt

Dog mom with tattoos pretty eyes thick and thighs shirt

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The story ends there, but you will know Dog mom with tattoos pretty eyes thick and thighs shirt. You will know I’m getting to the good part. That’s when I’d take your hands in mine and I’d say, See that dirt under your fingernails, my friend? That is beautiful. I’d point out the wisdom, experience, and tools you are gaining through this trial and speculate the magnificent way in which they will be used one day to make your world, our world, better.  See more:  Dog mom with tattoos pretty eyes thick and thighs shirt

I didn’t plan on becoming a baseball mom who yells a lot but here I am shirt

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I feel like this was written for me. I didn’t plan on becoming a baseball mom who yells a lot but here I am killin’ it shirt as one after another people I loved the most passed on. Thank you for all your empathy and passion to share. Bless you, precious Rachel for lifting not only your friend up, but so many, many others. I needed reminding of all of this after the past 4m in my life. We were living in a not so great part of the city, and my dad was not home that night.  See more:  I didn’t plan on becoming a baseball mom who yells a lot but here I am shirt

Camping you say Alpaca my bag shirt

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I am so grateful for you. Thank you for letting me know. Every time I write, I write with the intention of inclusivity that people of all walks of life, backgrounds, and beliefs can find comfort, encouragement, and hope in my words. It feels so good to hear that is how you feel. I hope you feel my hand in yours, dear one. Your commitment, love, and dedication to your family shine through your words. Please give yourself grace and remember you are doing so much to hold up your family! You are shining in the light of the unexpected, and you are an inspiration to me. See more:  Camping you say Alpaca my bag shirt

I’m a simple woman I like wine flip flop dog paw and tennis shirt

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Dear friends, I realize this practice may not be feasible or appropriate for some there are other times of day and other ways we can offer gentleness to our beloveds and ourselves. If I had an adult, 40-year-old friend sleeping over, and I knew she had to get up for a meeting, I would also gently wake her if I thought she might have overslept. I would help her. See more:  I’m a simple woman I like wine flip flop dog paw and tennis shirt

Mahna Mahna do doo do doo doo shirt

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Whispering what day it is and one Mahna Mahna do doo do doo doo shirt off on a better foot. Kissing the cheek of my highly sensitive girl rather than flipping on the lights or blaring music sets a better tone that lasts the whole day. This approach goes against my task-efficient, time-oriented, Type a personality. And I bet there was a time in my life when I wondered how long this was going to last. But if there was, I don’t remember. I learned to be gentle with myself in the morning by being gentle with my child. See more:  Mahna Mahna do doo do doo doo shirt

Cats make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt

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I am one of those people that are Cats make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt as my feet hit the floor. I can get dressed and be fully functional before I walk out of my bedroom door. My Hubbs, however, is not. Emphasis on the not. I had to learn how to gently wake him. I make sure he has coffee and the house is relatively quiet (he’s prone to migraines if there’s a lot of loud noise when he wakes up). The gentleness with him has spread to me. I have learned to give myself a few minutes of quiet before I face the day.  See more:  Cats make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt

American sign language zero given shirt

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I know how bad she feels. I know she will American sign language zero given shirt and little crackers and sprite in her old Disney cup. Some might say its childish but next year she will be off at college. We all need that little thing that means extra love for us sometimes. And just to know someone knows what that something is. Thank you for this beautiful post. I am not a morning person, I don’t like getting up in the morning. When I was young, my dad found what worked for me, much like you did with your daughter.  See more:  American sign language zero given shirt

Irish woman the soul of a witch the fire of a lioness shirt

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They are paying off in ways you cannot even begin to imagine. But I hope you will try. A reader of my blog, whose teenage son chose very late hours to talk to her about the matters of his heart illustrated why such investments matter. One night, during just such a moment, my son became reflective and said, you know how I’m going to pay this back? And when I asked him what he meant, he declared with an explanatory sweep of the hand. See more:  Irish woman the soul of a witch the fire of a lioness shirt

Ursula poor unfortunate souls shirt

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She cried and cried, so I got up. She saw me wincing in pain Ursula poor unfortunate souls shirt, and she said to me, the world needs more yous. The people who feel everything. Who try to make it right. This is exactly what the world needs. Thank you for living love. She also notices and I was once very quick to anger and too distracted to notice her pain. You have absolutely made a huge difference in all of my family’s lives. Thank you for this. It reminds me of the words of a meme I saw the other day. See more:  Ursula poor unfortunate souls shirt

Dear parents your expectations of teachers should match shirt

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If I am able, I might even briefly tell them why: Dear parents your expectations of teachers should match your commitment as a parent shirt, and I feel stressed when I am running late, or I am feeling really upset because I just erased a fourth of the book I am writing. It is knowing someone so deeply that we know what will nourish their nervous system. Gentleness this is what heals. My daughter had begun spending her mornings in the backyard before school.  See more:  Dear parents your expectations of teachers should match shirt

Make America not a bunch of Whiny ass bitches again shirt

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Recently, I have shared a personal revelation with Make America not a bunch of Whiny ass bitches again shirt. I realized that when I am anxious, I get mean and controlling. I am still a work-in-progress in this area, but my children know I am working on it. One of my triggers is getting lost. I quickly start to unravel and my heart begins to race. My older daughter senses this and says, It’s ok, Mom. We can ask for help or Let’s pull over. We will figure this out together. I see this opportunity as a gift, not as a burden, to see that her mother is human and how she might self-sooth in the future when finds herself unraveling.  See more:  Make America not a bunch of Whiny ass bitches again shirt

1n73ll1g3nc3 15 7h3 4b1l17y 70 4d4p7 70 ch4ng3 shirt

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The strength you show in your current challenge will someday be 1n73ll1g3nc3 15 7h3 4b1l17y 70 4d4p7 70 ch4ng3 shirt. If you’ve wondered how to make real, lasting change in the way you respond to people, circumstances, and emotional triggers, please consider joining me for #soulshift, a practical and inspiring 8-week journey. In my first-ever online course, I will be breaking down the steps I used to ditch old, destructive habits so I could begin a new chapter of soul-centered joy that has impacted my family’s narrative in the most profound and positive way.  See more:  1n73ll1g3nc3 15 7h3 4b1l17y 70 4d4p7 70 ch4ng3 shirt

I’m surrounded by Idiots vintage shirt

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I owe it to you, Rachel, for my understanding of just how important this is. I’m surrounded by Idiots vintage shirt this to me during my childhood & young adult years. I immediately went to the negative and thought things that I really hope I didn’t say out loud. Your words and your daughters’ character really helped me reflect and gain perspective. It gives me the words I need to share with my two at this very moment. I love you and your dearly. They are always enough! Buy it here:  I’m surrounded by Idiots vintage shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Anthony not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault shirt

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My whole life I have felt different like Anthony not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault will keep it real 100% overthinks everything born leaders shirt. And today, by the grace of your loving words, my different has a purpose! I will embrace it and brave the wilderness to find where I belong. And teach my girls, they belong in the world too! Revolution is about to open an arms-open heart. If our hands are full of doing and hiding and pushing others away, we can’t embrace and take in the loveliness of this world. Buy it here:  Anthony not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Daniel not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault shirt

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I can’t imagine the hole that’s in your heart Daniel not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault will keep it real 100% overthinks everything born leaders shirt. I am so thankful he was there when you most needed him. Blessings and love to you. Thank you so much for sharing. I love orange cats so much and that handsome boy caught my eye. I am blessed to know your story. I can’t imagine the hole that’s in your heart and life without Harley.  Buy it here:  Daniel not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Felicia highly eccentric extra tough and super sarcastic shirt

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I recognized determination, Felicia highly eccentric Felicia highly eccentric extra tough and super sarcastic bold since birth will keep it real 100% shirt. As I watched her walk into the building where her heart had been shattered a few days prior, I realized: On the other side of disappointment is the desire to create a different outcome next time. Shielding my child from struggle, challenge, pain, and disappointment is tempting. But the characteristics I most want her to develop are often born from a place of adversity. Buy it here:  Felicia highly eccentric extra tough and super sarcastic shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Jeep dog paw and wine my needs are simple shirt

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This is how I found you in the first place a few Jeep dog paw and wine my needs are simple shirt if it was a blog or a Pinterest thing or what, but these envelopes, your daughter, this care, this was it. I’m so grateful. Our hearts are overflowing with the love you’ve just passed our way, Rachel. Thank you so much for filling our hearts and supporting work by sharing these excerpts from our new book. It’s beyond wonderful to hear how our words are inspiring you, because you always inspire us, too. Buy it here:  Jeep dog paw and wine my needs are simple shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Stevie Nicks back to the Gypsy that I was vintage shirt

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So yes let’s do things all the way! The best part of my Stevie Nicks back to the Gypsy that I was vintage shirt is giving out trophies for who can multi-task the best. I refuse to multi task now. I want to give each activity/action the full attention and loving care it deserves. There can be a calming soothing quality to just slowly hand washing the dishes. Buy it here:  Stevie Nicks back to the Gypsy that I was vintage shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Ed Five standing by shirt

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This made me cry instantly, one night they will be Ed Five standing by shirt these questions and we will desperately want them to. Your dad knows you are choosing to be there with him and that is truly significant. Thank you for the reminder definitely not my first choice tonight, with hurtful words from my teen ~ choosing to Love through my own hurts. Oh my goodness, I absolutely love that statement! Hits home more then anyone knows!  Buy it here:  Ed Five standing by shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Vikings I kill you shirt

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How can I get the phone screen saver? This full list is one of the best You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Vikings I kill you shirt. I do try to live out the second, third and forth on the list. However, the complete list adds a whole new dimension and certainly a positive challenge. I will save and re-read regularly as a reminder. At 70 One realizes that there are so many times when you should have stopped at your daily multi tasking, and rather done the more important things as in spontaneous picnics, dancing and looking at the sun set – hugging your children more. Buy it here:  You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Vikings I kill you shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

The midnight telling tales after dark society don’t be afraid shirt

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Trying so hard to stay positive and not let The midnight telling tales after dark society don’t be afraid shirt. Always at the exact moment, you share when I need these precious words the most. Thank God for you and your gift and sharing it bravely and boldly. I have to come to meet you, I’m about to say I’m driving up there for the brunch this Saturday no matter how long of a drive it. You keep spurring me on to not give up yet. I take notice when you post about your students with special needs. Buy it here:  The midnight telling tales after dark society don’t be afraid shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

You can’t scare me I have a crazy grandpa who happens to cuss a lot shirt

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Thank you for being honest and vulnerable. I am so grateful to know You can’t scare me I have a crazy grandpa who happens to cuss a lot he has anger issues and a serious dislike for stupid people shirt. You will be amazed at what you see yourself doing right. Even the littlest actions of love are truly significant! Perfect description: the tough season of life. It was one day, but maybe a prediction of the future. Hoping I handled it well, but knowing I did the best I could.  A good parent sacrifices a lot to love and take care of their child- with the hope that they will appreciate it and know that you tried your best. Buy it here:  You can’t scare me I have a crazy grandpa who happens to cuss a lot shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Bitch please I’m so fucking fabulous I pee glitter shit cupcakes shirt

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I was hoping you’d show up today so you could Bitch please I’m so fucking fabulous I pee glitter shit cupcakes shirt, and we could bridge the gap that difficult times create. Better yet, what if we stand together, shoulder to shoulder, flaws and all, hearts broken but still beating? The cause of our pain might be different, but our tears look and feel comfortably familiar. You are not alone. I am not alone. Together, there is hope. I wrote this piece two years ago during a hard night. Buy it here:  Bitch please I’m so fucking fabulous I pee glitter shit cupcakes shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Asap Rocky shirt

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The teen brain isn’t done forming and the part of the Asap Rocky shirt, and the ability to plan ahead is not fully developed. This means teens are more likely to see disturbing online content or have troubling encounters; it means they’re more likely to become distracted from the important tasks at hand; it means teens, in general, are more likely to become addicted to devices than adults. Teens who excessively use their phone are more prone to disrupted sleep, restlessness, stress, and fatigue.  Buy it here:  Asap Rocky shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Snoopy believe breast cancer shirt

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I realized the power of water to shape and smooth is a lot like Snoopy believe breast cancer shirt. Erin’s unspoken question all day seemed to be: how can I make this day smooth and unblemished? How can I shape the rough edges we encounter the anxieties the uncertainties? Her answer was a kindness. You are in unfamiliar territory, but I will take care of you. I will make you feel at home. Whether our time together is brief or extended, I will leave your edges smoother, your worries lessened, and your hearts lighter. Buy it here:  Snoopy believe breast cancer shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Whisper words of wisdom let it be vintage shirt

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I appreciate you. These brought tears and a much-needed Whisper words of wisdom let it be vintage shirt I chose to place in those around me. I needed this. My oldest child always preferred late at night for our talks. He is now out on his own and told me one time, Mom, you’re always in the back of my mind warning me when I’m about to do something stupid. I never saw it until now your words holy cow I’m almost in tears, but the good kind. Thank you! Buy it here:  Whisper words of wisdom let it be vintage shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Dwight Schrute my heart beets only for you shirt

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I remember making my family take a zillion photos before Dwight Schrute my heart beets only for you shirt, and if you looked closely, you could see tears on my baby’s cheek. I put them there. At the party, people raved about how good I looked; I could only think about how I was falling short of the girl inside the cabinet. The other 3 Stallions kept a close watch and had their ears cocked the entire time and they too were wondering where their little buddy was off to. Buy it here:  Dwight Schrute my heart beets only for you shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Free Sitch Mike Sorrentino version shirt

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This is what her blog is about – if you don’t like it, just move on really, how hard is that? I left them. my message was not for them. didn’t try to convince them. they’re either willing to open their eyes or not. all said, my impact is super minute but your Rachel is not. it must, must, must continue. This makes me sad and I want to encourage you to keep being you and following your heart that knows it’s time for positive loving action. This was written yesterday by one of my dearest friends. I hope it will encourage you today. Buy it here:  Free Sitch Mike Sorrentino version shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Pizza is my Valentine shirt

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 It breaks my heart so much, so deeply. So thank you for this today. I cannot wait for your new book because I know I’m going to hold it close and share it out and mark it up and write your words on my soul. God works so mightily through you in me, Rachel. It’s beyond words. But thank you for being the encouragement and heart-lift I needed and can share today. My heart needed to hear this. It’s so hard to extend a hand and ‘let go’ at the same time, yet it just seems to feel right when done with love. Buy it here:  Pizza is my Valentine shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Anyone our enemy that’s what it means to be Fairy Tail shirt

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Such thoughts did not improve the situation. They did not produce helpful words from my lips or an understanding tone in my voice. One day I tried something new with my teen daughter when she was clearly having a bad time. I thought: She is not herself right now. Such thoughts made my loved one’s unpleasant mood worsen the gap of misunderstanding widens the pain of disconnection deepen. I continued that line of thinking with: That is not the girl I know with the contagious laugh and intense compassion for animals and loners. Buy it here:  Anyone our enemy that’s what it means to be Fairy Tail shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/