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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2018

Baby Unicorn and Stitch best friend shirt

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I always answer them as truthfully as I can with the hopes that she may continue to turn to me for answers. Isn’t that what we all truly long to have the freedom to ask the questions of life? I recently began listening to my husband’s heart. There is no age limit on the benefits of this practice. I was there last night as well and enjoyed hearing your stories in person. Thank you for your time and wise words! I always love what you have to say as it resonates with me on so many levels. See more:  Baby Unicorn and Stitch best friend shirt

The Big Lebowski The Dude Yeah well you know that’s just like your shirt

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We don’t know each other, I said, but we’re sticking together. It was a sentence I knew I would not soon forget. Over the past year, it became a motto to live by. We don’t know each other, but we’re sticking together. Stranger solidarity. It’s a mighty powerful thing to be standing beside when you think you are standing alone. It’s a mighty powerful thing to care about someone you don’t know based solely on the fact he or she is human just like you. See more:  The Big Lebowski The Dude Yeah well you know that’s just like your shirt

January girls are not Fragile like a flower we are Fragile like a bomb shirt

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The world is full of smooth mouthed liars! I know them first hand! Wouldn’t trust them at all! Small acts of kindness multiply that by a million times that will make a difference that’s all it takes to try to make that small circle this around you the best that you can make it. This includes turning the other cheek or assuming they know how to “fix” the problem. Thank you for noticing and for sharing your wisdom. Who says somber moments must be somber? See more:  January girls are not Fragile like a flower we are Fragile like a bomb shirt

Vert Der Ferk Chef Knife retro sunset shirt

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Thank you! Your posts always touch me. Thank you for using the Vert Der Ferk Chef Knife retro sunset shirt how to be a friend to those they meet. I appreciate you and your openness. The givers in life need to be replenished on occasion. I don’t feel like we are strangers but instead kindred spirits. God bless you, Rachel, just as He uses you to apply salve to the wounds of others. We need a kind, steady voice today, and today and a lot of days you step up, and you do and say what is needed.  See more:  Vert Der Ferk Chef Knife retro sunset shirt

I just want to drink beer love my teacher and take naps shirt

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I grew up extremely shy, and this definitely resonates with me. I just want to drink beer love my teacher and take naps shirt, and I think you were incredibly brave to approach those women a second time, giving them an opportunity to have a friend like you. It was certainly their loss! Like, all but blocking the door sort of thing! And it’s the saddest thing bc she would’ve been amazing. I’m sitting in a room waiting for a job interview in the social service field.  See more:  I just want to drink beer love my teacher and take naps shirt

Letterkenny Pitter Patter Let’s get at’er retro sunset shirt

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I am looking closely for the burdens I can’t see but know are carried on the shoulders of every person I encounter. I will ask myself how my response might lighten the load. As I walked my dog and pondered the day’s news, I began by praying for every home on my street. As I drive today I will pray for every driver. I am praying for my city, the greater metroplex, the state I live in, the nation. I pray today for the broken-hearted. Be strong today- we have work to do. Buy it here:  Letterkenny Pitter Patter Let’s get at’er retro sunset shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Sunflower just a girl who love cows shirt

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You never cease to amaze me, Bill. Goodness, I am thankful for you and what you share with us. And yet, we as parents have the opportunity to model for our children that each of us warrants self-love, being first and not last nor invisible. I love these questions and I will spend 10 minutes a day reflecting on them. It’s so important because many days I feel soo disconnected especially my children and I know in my heart of hearts where I really need to be. Buy it here:  Sunflower just a girl who love cows shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Mama bear I will speak for you so you can do it for yourself shirt

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He became ill while traveling. I was teary-eyed because my husband also became seriously ill while traveling. We were both far from home facing life-threatening illnesses that would change our lives forever. We connected just at the time when they needed comfort and I was humbled to be able to encourage them. It impacted me more than they probably know because it gave me a respite from my own struggles to focus on them for a few minutes. Buy it here:  Mama bear I will speak for you so you can do it for yourself shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

If the women don’t find you Handsome they should at least find you shirt

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To have that kind of relationship someday I knew I had to get a handle on my maxed-out life. I knew if I continued to invest the bulk of my time and attention outside my most sacred relationships, my grown children would be strangers to me. But if I replaced hours of doing with moments of being, our bond could strengthen. My child is twelve now. I missed years two and three, but my daughter let me pick up where I left off. She immediately noticed when I became less interested in my distractions and more interested in knowing her. Buy it here:  If the women don’t find you Handsome they should at least find you shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

These hand raise E for everyone shirt

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It was from an experience that happened a year ago when I was stuck in Minnesota with other weary travelers. After an agonizingly long day of flight delays and mechanical problems, we made our way through two lines for flight rebooking and a hotel voucher. By the time our hotel shuttle arrived, it was apparent that travel anxieties and tempers were at an all-time high. Sadly, there were only two seats left on the hotel shuttle. Three of us looked at each other wearily. Buy it here:  These hand raise E for everyone shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

My Bernese mountain dog is my Bff shirt

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It will be brighter, cozier, and more at peace; it will be a safe place to become all that we’re meant to be. My friends, restoration on your weary soul can begin today. Start with one room. Start with one gentle action. If you’ve been quietly hurting, wondering if it’s too late to ditch destructive habits and create new pathways to soul-centered joy, connection, and healing, I’m here to tell you, it’s not. See more:  My Bernese mountain dog is my Bff shirt

I’m the boss but my German Shorthaired Pointer is still in denial shirt

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Tonight I chose to love. It wasn’t my first response, but that took nothing away from its significance. I share the same heartbeat with two precious souls, and that’s enough to get me through. I often feel people at work get the best of me and my kids get the rest of me. I will remember this. I choose love. This made me cry instantly, one night they will be too old to ask these questions and we will desperately want them to. See more:  I’m the boss but my German Shorthaired Pointer is still in denial shirt

Yorkshire Terrier vintage retro classic shirt

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Because one day when they become parents they will make their own mistakes with their children and want to be remembered for the good they did. Most people try the best that they can. Great article. I just so appreciate that you’re human! That sounds silly but, it’s important for me to see there is no magic formula or potion; it’s a consistent effort, we all have to just keep showing up, keep learning, keep growing. See more:  Yorkshire Terrier vintage retro classic shirt

I never imagined I would be a super cool Cane Corso mom shirt

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We have built such a strong bond I never imagined I would be a super cool Cane Corso mom but here I am killing it shirt, but it was also an unfortunate gift to share these moments of love and encouragement. I’m so thankful I have the opportunity to share these powerful messages of love with her as her mother. Thank you for beautiful, loving words to pass on to our own loved ones, as well as to the hurting people whose paths we cross. Thank you so much for these words!  See more:  I never imagined I would be a super cool Cane Corso mom shirt

Real women own a Cane Corso shirt

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I went ahead and started the Real women own a Cane Corso shirt. These may look like words, but they are more than words. These are lifelines for tough times. Please remember these truths: No mistake you make is bigger my love. You are never alone. I shared this on FB with the comment This post spoke to me – something many children not on the brink could benefit from too. I love this woman’s posts – I’m horrible at actioning her amazing advice but every time I read her words I’m reminded of what is important.  See more:  Real women own a Cane Corso shirt

Every short girl really needs a tall bestie shirt

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Now as we know, gratitude can mean many things to many people – it is appreciation; it is looking at the bright side of a challenge; it is thanking a higher power or someone in your life. That was so beautiful. Thank you for this divine compliment that went straight to my heart. Everyone needs more spoons when they’re given! Even if they aren’t looking for them! Buy it here:  Every short girl really needs a tall bestie shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Harry Potter my Patronus is a Niffler shirt

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The words spilled out before I could stop them, along with a few ridiculous tears. Faith leaned into the open window. You come to the daycare each morning at 7:30 am to love on needy babies and you drive old lady home and you are kind. You are doing just fine. She doesn’t know about the other things I am. I thought to myself. But something told me that even if she did know my darkest secrets and greatest shames, it wouldn’t matter. She would still look at me and say, Even when it’s bad, there’s still good. Buy it here:  Harry Potter my Patronus is a Niffler shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Property of a spoiled Rotten Whippet shirt

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As much as I wanted to get home and crawl into bed, I knew I must say yes. Then she opened her purse and pulled out a crumpled dollar bill and handed it to me. Although I tried to decline, she insisted I take it. The next day, I found Miss Faith chopping carrots into sticks for small hands. I asked if she would like me to drop her off again today. I will take you home every day until I have to go back to college, I offered unexpectedly. Buy it here:  Property of a spoiled Rotten Whippet shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

The office Stanley Hudson did I stutter shirt

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 I am holding your loving comment right to my chest. This is everything to me, Alyse. Again, you have managed to hit the nail on the head for me. The doubt is creeping in on me today for sure, but I will try to be positive. Thank you for this gentle reminder. I am so grateful to know you now have awareness you did not have before. Awareness changes everything. You will be amazed at what you see yourself doing right. Even the littlest actions of love are truly significant! Buy it here:  The office Stanley Hudson did I stutter shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

A house is not a home without a Bernese Mountain shirt

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It’s definitely hard in times of stress, that’s for sure! So thank you for the gentle reminder to take a deep breath and think before I speak instead of just reacting negatively. I needed it. Oh, this got me right in the heart, from a mutual music-loving, lyric-listening friend. This made me tear up! My 5yr old sometimes pushes my buttons as she is often off in fairyland daydreaming. Wishing you and your family many sacred moments of presence this holiday weekend! Buy it here:  A house is not a home without a Bernese Mountain shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Anita sunshine mixed with a little hurricane shirt

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This event promises to be a restorative morning time to catch your breath, gain some beneficial tools, be inspired, and make meaningful connections. Plus, I love to receive your hugs and hear your stories. Ticket sales close in 2 days. Thank you for the way you showed up for me today and the way you have shown up for me all my life. You were my lifeline today. See more:  Anita sunshine mixed with a little hurricane shirt

Dear Santa I know I wasn’t a good person this year shirt

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My good friend Cathie gave me the perfect book, The Precious Present, by Spencer Johnson, it’s a beautiful little book. I think there also needs to be discernment about if someone’s negativity is constant then sometimes not being with them is also a way to protect yourself. I’m not saying all the time, but sometimes there are situations where you need to take a break. See more:  Dear Santa I know I wasn’t a good person this year shirt

Photographer all I ever do is edit shirt

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Thankfully I have an amazing boss and support system at Photographer all I ever do is edit shirt to let my emotions out in a safe environment. And like you, I am starting to realize that feeling so deeply is not a flaw or sign of weakness. Even more, letting my emotions out allows me to continue to be healthier and stronger, and that those with whom I have shared my emotions appreciate the fact I feel deep and can let it out as well. As always, your words are spot on. With you in Spirit. See more:  Photographer all I ever do is edit shirt

Grinch you always have a choice choose kindness Christmas shirt, sweater

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These words are exactly what I needed to Grinch you always have a choice choose kindness Christmas shirt, sweater conversation with my lovable, witty, smart, and perfectly imperfect boy. This is why I put that journal in my cart today on a whim. God knew I would read this today. I read this -and then got the journal out and wrote those words in it. Now I’m going to sit down next to her and read this because she is amazing to me and so important and sometimes feelings get hurt in the business of the day.  See more:  Grinch you always have a choice choose kindness Christmas shirt, sweater

Nobody test my Gangsta more than my 2nd child shirt

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My little Joyologist had a rough time last night, making a few mistakes during a dance performance. She tends to be hard on herself. This is perfect timing, with perfect words. I can’t wait to show this to her. Your words will mean so much. I invite you to join me for #soulshift, my supportive online course beginning on 4/23. I had not planned to launch a session of Soul Shift so soon after the initial launch, but the results within the group were so profound that I wanted to offer it once more in 2018. See more:  Nobody test my Gangsta more than my 2nd child shirt

Ofsanta Santa’s handmaid Christmas ugly sweater

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And to do more looking through the eyes of my 2 year old grandson, who always stops to hear the birds sing, to watch the birds fly, to see the ants crawl, to look up at the stars, to see planes fly, to listen for planes and trains, to see the joy in the simplest of things. This is pure heaven, to be with him in his world, uncomplicated yet by our adult problems. Talk about relatable! But I drove to town today and noticed that there is blossom on the trees and the forsythia is a riot of sunshiney color right now, so I think spring may actually be happening finally! It really is amazing how one tiny little shift can make all the difference. Buy it here:  Ofsanta Santa’s handmaid Christmas ugly sweater Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Penguin this is my Christmas pajama shirt, sweater

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It’s easy to get into a vicious cycle of repeating our parents’ behavior. My mom is a great mom, but her one big thing is – breaking stuff. She would always get super annoyed over broken stuff and I found myself at 40 years old hiding broken things from her. It was such a wake-up moment for me, knowing the cycle needed to be stopped and I didn’t want this to ever happen to my kids. My change has helped her become more relaxed about stuff. It’s never too late. Buy it here:  Penguin this is my Christmas pajama shirt, sweater Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Xmas Pug Elf Christmas shirt, sweater

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But lately, I realize I need to remember that today is the most important day to focus on. And who you are right now, at this very moment, is someone I am very proud of. What to say to your hurting child. This reminds me too, of your post about discovering our children. I’m discovering so much each day just by letting her talk to me and really watching how she responds. You amaze me by the way you keep trying, no matter what comes at you. Buy it here:  Xmas Pug Elf Christmas shirt, sweater Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Alcohol does not make you fat it make you lean shirt

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I am your parent; you are my child. We are on the same team; I always have your back. One last thing, I know that sometimes it is hard to say things in person, so here is a notebook I want you to use to talk to me. Take your pain, your worries, your problems, your fears and put them on the pages. Set it under my pillow when you have something you want me to know. Your notes will help me know how I can be the parent you need me to be. I will not judge the words and thoughts you share with me. I will listen and learn from you. Buy it here:  Alcohol does not make you fat it make you lean shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Shut the hell up I’m counting shirt

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 And in doing so, we can teach our children that peace builds bridges that can carry us over in times of trouble. I know because I was once negative, critical, and joyless. That truth needs to be told because it can be someone else’s hope. Please consider joining me for my upcoming online course, Soul Shift, designed for those yearning to change the way they respond to themselves, loved ones, circumstances, and emotional triggers. Buy it here:  Shut the hell up I’m counting shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Dear Santa I like dollars I like diamonds Okurrr Christmas shirt, sweater

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Who says somber moments must be somber? Dear Santa I like dollars I like diamonds I like stunting Okurrr Christmas shirt, sweater at a cremation burial service for a beloved father and grandfather. Now don’t get me wrong – there was sorry there was stress there were tears there was angst. There were no words at times, just muffled sobs. Yes, there were hard, hard moments. But there were glory moments too. This was my favorite one. Buy it here:  Dear Santa I like dollars I like diamonds Okurrr Christmas shirt, sweater Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

3 Ninjas Rocky loves Emily masks shirt

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We will meet someday, I have faith in that. I so value your friendship and 3 Ninjas Rocky loves Emily masks shirt. Previously living outdoors, now living the cushy life and loving his pink blankie. Poor guy doesn’t even know how to cuddle yet, but he will learn that here for sure. Thank you for your kind words. I meet the loveliest souls on this page. Such a loving community, I cherish it so much. It was meant to be. It will be hard to let him go, but we will make sure he goes to the perfect family. Buy it here:  3 Ninjas Rocky loves Emily masks shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

New Year same hot mess shirt

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Be strong today- we have work to do. New Year same hot mess shirt, finally a mom at my age. Here is one of my twin boys. Here is my contribution for something to look at that is positive and good when all that is on TV is negative today. You and your baby are a beautiful sight. Thank you for sharing. You have brought a smile to my heart and my face, dear Annette. My heart is so heavy. My beautiful, vibrant almost sister was there. She was trapped and scared and in the end, she was ok, but when tragedy strikes so close to home it is terrifyingly real in ways hearing about it can only hope to mimic. Buy it here:  New Year same hot mess shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

This job thing sure is messing up my camping career shirt

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Seeing that alligator on Tuesday morning being tossed in This job thing sure is messing up my camping career shirt I met through him brought me clarity. He reminded me to hope is still alive and small actions hold great power. Let’s see what we can do individually and collectively in the weekend ahead to respond with love. The world is suffering. It needs healing. Let’s not walk by. Please share your stories of hope and healing in the comments below. You inspire me. Buy it here:  This job thing sure is messing up my camping career shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Best friend Mickey Mouse and Grinch shirt

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I have been there, standing in front of the produce with tears in Best friend Mickey Mouse and Grinch shirt. What a blessing it would be to cross your path at that moment. Robert, there’s a gentleman like you at our grocery store and I always look forward to seeing him! I feel like the circumstances of the Mickey Mouse and Grinch, leaving me feeling cracked and parched. You’ve inspired me to look past my difficulties and be a blessing to someone who is feeling just as dehydrated from life as I am. Love is healing ointment. I’ve always shown my Mickey Mouse and Grinch. My child is twelve now. Buy it here:  Best friend Mickey Mouse and Grinch shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Beer drunkle definition like a normal uncle only drunker shirt

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Don’t let people who are unable to see the need for truth in this world quiet you. You are needed. You’re quite literally my only hope right now. I can’t thank you enough for admitting publicly and poetically the overcoming of a harsh reality. I hope I will make it to the other side. Your posts are a light and a calm to my chaos. And you give me parenting and personal goals to aspire to, as I walk the path of an anxiety-ridden new mother. Buy it here:  Beer drunkle definition like a normal uncle only drunker shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Funcle definition like a dad only cooler shirt

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Notice the girl sitting alone? Be the doer who takes the time to talk to her. We focus on this with our four kids as well at home. Compassion and empathy and action. Notice. Do. Thank you for words that always fill my heart so I can fill theirs. The one on the left is my two-time cancer survivor who teaches me how to live with hope every day, and the other two are her siblings who have become, through our families’ struggles, so very kind, patient, and empathetic. Buy it here:  Funcle definition like a dad only cooler shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Pitter Patter let’s get at ‘er shirt

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Often when we can step away from the situation and look at it from a 3rd person perspective we can see that insecurity, fear and so many other things are the motivating factors in why people do what they do. With that knowledge then how do I act instead of reacting in these situations. Empathy, love, and grace are a few I can think of. The holidays are so hard when you know before you even start that someone will be unhappy. While I look forward to Christmas and Thanksgiving, I regret that all of my small family can’t be together for each one. So hurt and stress does a lot of talking. Buy it here:  Pitter Patter let’s get at ‘er shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I need a huge amount of money for jeep parts shirt

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I say things to her, and I’m working harder every day to quiet the unsupportive voice inside my head instead of passing that on to her. It’s definitely hard in times of stress, that’s for sure! So thank you for the gentle reminder to take a deep breath and think before speak instead of just reacting negatively. I needed it. This is what you do for me and for so many! Prayers of gratitude for you and your beautiful, authentic spirit, my friend! Wishing you and your family many sacred moments of presence this holiday weekend! Buy it here:  I need a huge amount of money for jeep parts shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Uncle the man the myth the legend shirt

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I could see my loved ones in some of these statements and it helps me to see them clearly and to choose how to react. I have worn the bracelet I bought from your store with this saying on it every day since it arrived. And if I could hug you, I would! I pray that 2019 awaits with so much better for you. Thank you for your inspiration. Your writing is always just what I need. It’s helping me be a better mom, wife, person. I’m thankful for you sharing your gift. Buy it here:  Uncle the man the myth the legend shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at McDonald’s shirt

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Shifting importance to doing your best, being kind and not worrying about subjects that are difficult for us was just what she needed to hear to calm her before bed! Thanks again! I know that this will help so many introverted children out in the schools today. This is so needed today. Brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for your blog. A reminder to us all to be welcoming to those who are new in our schools, offices, and communities. I hope for so much more of this and far less of the ones who sit alone and wish for someone to include them. Buy it here:  Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at McDonald’s shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Baker Mayfield Heisman house located in Norman Oklahoma shirt

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We both noticed how freeing it has been and everyone that has noticed has remarked how beautiful we both look. Isn’t that the irony? Showing our flaws made us more beautiful. You can see it in my face, and it looks like joy. I haven’t worn joy much in my adult life. After my friend and I came to see you speak in Missouri last week, we both went all weekend wearing hats and without makeup. Buy it here:  Baker Mayfield Heisman house located in Norman Oklahoma shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Wifey and Hubby a bond that can’t be broken shirt

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 If you are met with opposition, this is my encouragement to you. You are an amazing writer, coming straight from your heart. I have lost years with mine as well, in and out throughout their lives. Thank you for such an awesome post. The to-do list has been something this week! They’re such picky eaters it makes me not even want to cook. Buy it here:  Wifey and Hubby a bond that can’t be broken shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Doxie fabrics Dachshunds dog Christmas shirt, sweater

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Thankful she hung in there with me and now, at 13, we are on solid footing. Her compassion and forgiveness are gifts I do not take for granted.  For our new families, may you find that YSE is your place, your new comfort zone, your tribe, and family? Thank you, everyone, for everything that you do to make YSE the place. I believe it works and the children know leaving someone out can make them sad. Buy it here:  Doxie fabrics Dachshunds dog Christmas shirt, sweater Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Sunset Matt Berry Fatherrrrrrr shirt

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My friends, we have them. Sometimes it’s all that we have, but it is enough. They have put together a comprehensive guide with ways people can help and provide hope. I missed age one with my oldest, it still hurts when I think about that. We changed everything in our lives to stop that happening again. I actually go out of my way to show such kindness to strangers and family as well. Buy it here:  Sunset Matt Berry Fatherrrrrrr shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Easily Disney and dogs shirt

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Easily distracted by Disney and dogs shirt. Oh I want, I want to be everything you write about. You know just how to put into words desires and goals, and it’s breathtaking and it can make the life of the little girls that I get to raise in my home so much better. Easily distracted by Disney and dogs shirt. I’m so lucky to be able to read the gift of your heart’s writings and inspirations! Easily distracted by Disney and dogs shirt. Would you consider taking a well-deserved breather today to celebrate this momentous fact? Easily distracted by Disney and dogs shirt. Buy it here:  Easily Disney and dogs shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Black history didn’t start shirt, sweater

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Black history didn’t start with Slavery shirt. Today’s youth are often pointed toward a narrow path to success, one that’s often defined for them and has little to do with their inclinations and interests. Black history didn’t start with Slavery shirt. On Saturday morning, I announced that I’d like to have strawberry shortcake for my dessert. Black history didn’t start with Slavery shirt. This surprised my family. Black history didn’t start with Slavery shirt. In my fifteen years as a mom, I’ve never requested this treat. Black history didn’t start with Slavery shirt. Buy it here:  Black history didn’t start shirt, sweater Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Grinch all I need is coffee and my bulldog Christmas shirt

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Grinch all I need is coffee and my bulldog it is too Christmas shirt, sweater. Really cool message and true. Grinch all I need is coffee and my bulldog it is too Christmas shirt, sweater. My son is in a negative hostile struggling frame of mind and it’s hard to listen to. Grinch all I need is coffee and my bulldog it is too Christmas shirt, sweater. And I have 3 teenage boys and it is not always peace and love and kindness here. Grinch all I need is coffee and my bulldog it is too Christmas shirt, sweater. As much as I’ve tried to remember this loving perspective over the years, I forget. Grinch all I need is coffee and my bulldog it is too Christmas shirt, sweater. Buy it here:  Grinch all I need is coffee and my bulldog Christmas shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Bird Christmas tree shirt, sweater

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There is a time in my life when I would have shamed myself for wishing that. But I’ve learned it is imperative to listen to the barely audible, heartbreaking pleas of the soul and find out more. The answer was to walk outside and sit next to the hydrangea bushes planted for my father-in-law when he passed away. As birds chirped around me and my pajamas pants became soaked with dew, it felt like solace to my soul. I need this today. Thank you for the right words at the right time once again. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Buy it here:  Bird Christmas tree shirt, sweater Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

I don’t always listen to but when I do things tend to work out better shirt

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One middle school year was especially soul-crushing. But how I felt about not getting that award may not necessarily be how my child feels. Sandy points out that our emotional reactions to the problems our children face often come from past events in our childhood, as do some of our solutions, especially if we have experienced similar situations – exclusion, ridicule, fear, failure – when we were young. Buy it here:  I don’t always listen to but when I do things tend to work out better shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/